25 November, 2013

Transition and Friendship


Have to begin with a proper greeting because we're back in the sovereign nation of Texas!  We arrived safe and sound one week ago with all our luggage and a little boy who traveled like a CHAMP.  All four grandparents were there to greet us which was extra special since it was the first time the boy could met his maternal grandfather.  Jet lag has been conquered, bags have been unpacked and we're gearing up for a day of thanks on Thursday (called Hálaadást in Hungarian even though they don't celebrate it).  

I wanted to share a thought that probably isn't new for many of you, but which hit home for me this morning.  I was reading John 15 and verse 16 jumped off the page into my heart.  "You did not choose Me, but I chose you..."  The context of this verse is a theme of being Jesus' friend, how 'servant' is no longer a sufficient label to describe the relationship.  Megan and I have had many conversations about how our friendships usually operate.  We both feel that for the majority of our lives, if we wanted to be friends with someone, we were the ones who had to maintain those relationships.  We were the ones who had to call and invite a friend over to play, to spend the night.  We were the ones who did "all the work" and both of us only have one or two friends who "ever" pursued us.  This is obviously not true, but feelings don't always reflect reality.

God chose me.  HE wanted ME to be HIS friend.  HE is the one who calls me to come over and jump on the trampoline and play Nintendo.  HE is the one who invites me to come spend the night and celebrate His birthday.  I am the friend who rarely initiates with Him.  The tables have turned on my little pity party.  Brian K. Rice said, "friendship with Christ is not a friendship of peers and equals.  This is a friendship where the Other friend is God/Lord/King/Savior and so much more.  Affection, warmth, transparency, vulnerability, love and trust are all part of this friendship, but make no mistake, it is the Lord God who has invited you to be His friend."

That struck me deeply.  How wonderful to be pursued as a friend by anyone, but much more so by my King?  Once again, I am equally overwhelmed by my unworthiness and by gratitude.  Thank you, Lord, for being the better friend.  

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